Wednesday, January 12, 2011

calm before the storm

Things are a changing. It's kinda like the storm coming. The clouds creep in, and all of a sudden your surrounded by it, right in the middle of it. I stare off into the distance of the ocean surrounding this island, again reminding me of the stillness surrounding me.  It is a kind of calm that leaves no room for ka makani, the wind to wrap her gentle tradewind arms, nor tear at the treetops with fierce-some blows.  It is a calm that I breathe in and out as I sit here staring out the window. Suddenly I feel a shift, as that of the wind, but inside. I can feel him arriving before I even hear the car. It's as if the universe is reminding me that we are all connected, if we only are listening. I keep listening...It's like hearing with my whole body, my whole senses & something beyond senses. This is the same feeling I get every time I step inside and out towards my highest potential. Every time I think, say or act on truth I feel it resounding and collecting inside of me, building a sturdy foundation to stand and move into.